Our food

The Noordoostpolder was originally intended to produce enough food to feed the hungry Netherlands after the desolation of World War II. Agriculture was the first priority. The farmers and labourers who settled in this new land worked extremely hard to convert the former seafloor into fertile fields. And they were successful: the agricultural sector in the polder has grown into one of the most innovative ones in the world. It’s not surprising that Emmeloord is nicknamed World Potato City. Come and taste it for yourself in our farm shops full of local produce, at the nurseries, in stands in the yard or at the side of the road or in our fantastic restaurants, which enjoy working with local products.



come and sample

In the Noordoostpolder we love delicious food. And especially food grown locally. Many of our restaurants use local products in their creations. So come to a restaurant in the Noordoostpolder and expect to be amazed by the taste of Flevoland.

Plan your meal
Een stel zit buiten op een terras wat te drinken, ze zijn omgeven door een groene omgeving. Bij het Proeflab in het Waterloopbos in de Noordoostpolder.